HERSTORY:or the History of Debbie David & DRAGOPOLIS Civilization

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Hey Look! It's Kelly Mantle From RuPaul's Drag Race Season 6 ! 

Kelly and Debbie both starred in a Fabulous Production of

Vampire Lesbians of Sodom by Charles Busch

at the DRAGOPOLIS in Los Angeles. 

The Original World Famous DRAGOPOLIS in NoHo.
Debbie D. David created a safe performing space 1996

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Debbie poses for a Helmut Newton Homage.
Steven Klein is one of the premiere fashion photographers in the World!
I had a wonderful time working with Steven Klein.

Click on the image of Steven Klein taking a  picture of Debbie David
 for  French Vogue  and YOU will be whisked away !
 You will be  TRANSPORTED to our On-line Store.

Dragopolis was created in 1996 at the aaah!CAPELLA Playhouse in the 
NoHo ARTS District of Los Angeles, California. 

Oh We had some very interesting pool tournaments.
I would start a pool tournament  because the table made $$$.
Notice some of the ART at DRAGOPOLIS.

 Because of several clubs and some other ventures that have been using the word DRAGOPOLIS without permission. We want everyone to know that

Carl David Burks who is also known as Debbie D. David is the creator of the original DRAGOPOLIS on March 3, 1996.

Debbie David Surprises Kelly Mantle March 22, 2014
While dancing in a Go-Go Booth Debbie Fell and almost broke her neck.
Debbie Drove Down From Detroit to Columbus, Ohio

ViDebO = debbie's exclusive

video clips and archives of the
T.G. experience!
These Clips are Copyrighted by aaah!Capella Productions. 

Videos are carried on our own DRAGOPOLIS SERVER System.
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to Return to the HERSTORY page.

Silent Movie Drag Click here to play.

The Whole Scene Click Here to Play ViDebO video

"BACKSTAGE AT THE BIG SHOW"  Excerpts from Debbie David's Autobiography

In 1991 I was working  as an ACTOR on a Big Movie at Warner Bros. in a Masquerade Ball Scene.
The Movie was 'Batman Returns' With Danny DeVito and Tim Burton directing. The Wardrobe Dept. had several actors dressed up as  World Famous Landmarks... there was a girl who was in a dress with a metal Eiffel Tower on her head. Another Guy was in a Dark Tux with the Roman Coliseum on his head. I was in a  White Tuxedo with The London Clock Tower on my Head. you can clearly see me coming down the steps in the Scene. It took About Five Full Days to Film that Scene.
 One Day  I said to Michelle Pfeiffer on the Set, 
"You know they Don't Call Me Big Ben Because of this Clock on My Head". 
     She Cracked UP! She says, "Oh you got to tell that to Michael".  Michelle Pfeiffer runs over to Michael Keaton. I tell Michael Keaton... "You Know They Don't Call Me Big Ben Because of this Clock on My Head". He Cracks UP! "Oh You got to Tell that to Tim". Burton Comes over I tell him the joke. He Looks at me like I am an Idiot, Rolls his Eyes, and says, " Can We Get Back to WORK on MY Movie"?

Some Ancient

The Best of Both Worlds!
It Took Forever to pose for this.

Hermaphroditos was the son of Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty, Lust, and Love.

 Hermaphroditos was the son of HERMES, God of mischief, cunning, wit, and trickery.

Hermaphroditos was a minor deity of BISEXUALITY, and Effeminacy.

According to Ovid, Born a remarkably handsome boy, he was transformed into an Androgynous being by union with the Water Nymph, Salmacis. His name is the basis for the word Hermaphrodite.

   He has long been a symbol of bisexuality or effeminacy, and was portrayed in Greco-Roman art as a Female figure with Male Genitals.

Theophrastus’ account also suggest a link between Hermaphriditos and the institution of Marriage. The reference to the fourth day of the month is telling: this is the luckiest day to have a wedding. Hermaphriditos’ association with marriage seems to have been that, by embodying  both masculine and feminine qualities, he symbolized the coming together of men and women in sacred union.  Another factor linking Hermaphriditos to weddings was his parent’s role in protecting and blessing brides.

 Hermaphriditos name is derived from those of his parents Hermes and Aphrodite. The Phallic God PRIAPUS was the son of Hermes in some accounts, and in other accounts the youthful God of Desire--Eros.

Ovid’s account relates that Hermaphriditos was nursed by naiads in the caves of Mount Ida, a sacred mountain in Phrygia (present Day Turkey). At the age of fifteen, he grew bored with his surroundings and traveled to the cities of Lycia and Caria. It was in the woods of  Caria, near Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey)  that he encountered the Nymph, Salmacis, in her pool. She was overcome by her lust for the boy, who was very handsome but still very young. Salmacis tried to seduce him, but was rejected. When he thought her to be gone, Hermaphriditos undressed  and entered the waters of the empty pool. Salmacis sprang out from behind a tree and jumped into the pool. She wrapped herself around the boy, forcibly kissing him and touching his breast.  While he struggled, she called out to the Gods that they should never part. Her wish was granted, and their bodies blended into one form, “a creature of both sexes”.  Hermaphriditos prayed to Hermes and Aphrodite that anyone else who bathed in the pool would be similarly transformed, and his wish was granted.

  Maybe YOU are like Hermaphriditos, when you were created you feel as if you have both masculine and feminine qualities, either physically or through your personality.  This combination of both male and female identities is NOT a CURSE, but a BLESSING by GOD. It is sometimes very difficult for transgender and transsexual people to be accepted in society because most people are ignorant or have been taught to hate what they cannot understand.

It is often very difficult for the Transperson  to find LOVE. One feels as if they need to hide their TRUE Identity to people upon first meeting them for fear of retaliation and discrimination.  There IS Fear and Discrimination against the Trans-Gendered.

One cannot find LOVE without truly loving themselves first, both on the inside and the outside. This is because, other people sense our insecurities and reflect back onto us what we show them. If you are embarrassed or ashamed of of your sexuality or your gender expression—your lover will reflect that same shame back onto you. If you do not think that you are beautiful, your lover will not either.  Try to be Confident , Proud , and  LOVE YOURSELF!

God made you just the way you are. God’s gift of your duality is a blessing not a punishment. Don’t let anyone tell you that God does not love his Trans-Gendered Children – God most Certainly DOES and...
 GOD LOVES YOU TOO!                  

Biblical and Babylonian HERSTORY!

  Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and Hittite literary records abundantly document the presence of male, transvestite eunuchs who served the goddess Ishtar (or her counterparts in other cultures)

  In Babylonia and Assyria, cultic servants known as assinnu, kurgarru and kulu'u (pl. assinnutu, kurgarrutu, kulu'utu) performed ecstatic dance, music and plays, wore make-up like women, and carried masks and weapons.

  In Sumer, they were given the cuneiform names of UR.SAL ("dog/man-woman"), KUR.GAR.RA (also described as a man-woman), and GIS.DUR ("penis-buttocks").

  Nissenen believes that the expression that Ishtar had "transformed their masculinity into femininity," along with the symbolic cutting weapons they carried, strongly suggest that these cultic servants were eunuchs; and application of the derogative term "dog" to the assinnu shows a certain scorn that these eunuchs suffered for their emasculation, even though they were dedicated to the goddess.  

Below is a link to a short Video clip.

Just to show you there is....
"Nothing NEW Under the SUN"!
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CLICK here to play ViDebO About this.


  Such clues, albeit scattered, together point persuasively to an assinnu who offered himself as a receptive sexual partner to male worshipers, in the temple or a nearby tavern, for blessings to be gained from penetrating a servant of Ishtar, goddess of love and war.

 No wonder Job characterized these male cult prostitutes as persons who generally "die in their youth" (Job 36:14).

 Such a characterization would make little sense if cultic servants played no sexual role; moreover, this reference in Job, apart from the Deuteronomic tradition, cannot be dismissed (as some interpreters have suggested for Deuteronomic tradition) as later imaginary construct or literary fiction.

A vivid image of one of these male cultic prostitutes appears in a terra-cotta (baked-clay) relief, photographed in Ziegler (plate 168). This piece, dated ca. 2000 B.C., was found in the ruins of the Sumerian city of Urek (called Erech in Gen 10:10 and Warka today in Iraq), located ca. 40 miles NW of Ur, Abraham's birthplace. 

     The scene shows a standing nude male (but wearing a cap) penetrating, from behind, a cultic male prostitute, also nude, and bending over to sip beer from a jar on the floor as he carries on business. The fact that the male prostitute is beardless reveals that he is a eunuch.

 (This piece is part of the collections of the State Museums of Berlin (in the Pergamum and Antiquities Museum).

It's A HARD JOB.....someone's butt had to do it.
Debbie's Past Lives were very interesting too!

"The Secret City for Everyone TRANSGENDER and their Friends"